

A follow-up inspection is carrying out surveillance activities on the factory quality assurance ability and also on the certified product of the certificate holder with the purpose of constantly meeting the specified requirements of the Certification Body after the initial factory inspection.

It is usually carried on an annual basis, but may be implemented otherwise according to the specified frequency or in special cases.

Factory should establish and maintain the following documentation, where applicable, for checking during inspection:


  1. Procedure for controlling the use and preservation of the certification marks;
  2. Procedure for controlling the modification on the product;
  3. Procedure for documents and data control;
  4. Procedure for quality records control;
  5. Procedure for selection, evaluation and routine supervision of suppliers;
  6. Procedure for inspection or verification for purchased critical components and materials;
  7. Procedure for periodical verification for purchased critical components and material;
  8. Regulation for maintenance of production equipment;
  9. Procedure for routine tests and verification tests;
  10. Procedure for non-conforming product control;
  11. Procedure for internal audit;
  12. Regulation for the responsibilities and inter-relations of all the personnel involved in quality activities.

Besides the above-mentioned procedures and regulations, the factory must maintain documented quality plan or relevant documents, including necessary process working instructions, test and inspection criteria, operation instructions of apparatus and equipment, management regulations and so on.


  1. Records of selection, evaluation, routine supervision of suppliers;
  2. Records of inspection or verification for purchased critical components and material and the certificate provided by the supplier;
  3. Records of product routine tests and verification tests;
  4. Records of periodical calibration of test and inspection equipment;
  5. Records of functional check of the equipment used for routine tests and verification tests;
  6. Records of non-conforming product disposal;
  7. Records of internal audit;
  8. Records of customer complaints and corrective actions taken;
  9. Records of periodical verification test for components;
  10. Records of use of certification marks;
  11. Records of correcting the non-conformity of the functional check.
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